The export value of South Sulawesi Province in January-August 2022 was US$ 1.299 billion

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that the export transaction value of South Sulawesi Province in January-August 2022 was recorded at US$ 1.299 billion or a surplus of US$ 549.66 million million compared to the import balance of US$ 749.52 million in the same period. Head of BPS South Sulawesi Suntono in Makassar, Tuesday, said the transaction value of exports compared to import transactions from the beginning until now is still stable and quite good.
“We have several mainstay commodities in South Sulawesi such as nickel. Export demand is stable during the month and the same is true for other commodities,” he said.
Suntono said that until now, South Sulawesi continues to export several leading commodities and also imports other important goods. For exports, the transaction value is still better than import transactions every month, so that the regions can continue to have a surplus.
“If we compare the balance of our sales and purchases, there is still a surplus and this is quite large,” he said. He stated that the value of export and import transactions in each month is indeed fluctuating. Even before the pandemic hit almost all countries, transactions sometimes spiked and the following month the turn was quite far. The main commodities exported every month were nickel, iron and steel, oily grains, lacquer gum and resin, sulfur salt and lime, fish and dang, processed animal food, processed meat and fish, sugar and fruits. Suntono said that the 10 leading commodities of South Sulawesi were able to contribute US$ 1.291 billion or 99.52 percent in the trade balance. The remaining 8.06 million US dollars from other general trading.
The export market is mostly aimed at Japan, China, Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Timor Leste, South Korea, the Philippines and others.
Meanwhile, the import value of goods unloaded through several ports in South Sulawesi was recorded at US$ 749.52 million. This figure is much higher than the same period in the previous year which was 448.62 million US dollars. The five main commodity groups that are imported are fuel oil (BBM); grains; sugar and confectionery; processed animal food; private or mechanical machines; electrical machinery and equipment; cocoa; chemical material; ceramic products; iron and steel. Most of the imports come from China, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Argentina, India, Brazil and Canada.
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